08 January 2012

365 Challenge: Week 1

1. making my first journal of the new year - remember this (#3) inspiration?
2. antique shopping with craig for some vinyl
3. found this awesome spool @ antique store the day before, winding it up with yarn
4. this is 1 of the 5 frozen mangos that I had from Panera this week. I was supposed to take the picture before I finished it
5. went home early from work with a sore mouth - Kennedy Buttons is my favorite snuggle bunny
6. taking the pups out for a walk
7. finally went to the doctor, and started some antibiotics - boo! 

This week I...
watched a lot of Greys Anatomy
drank too many frozen mangos
ate way too much ice cream
started taking antibiotics for the first time
missed 2 days of work
snuggled with my pups
missed my mom a lot
finished my vision board for 2012


  1. We stayed up last night watching Greys Anatomy...we love it too. :) And there's something to be said for making it this far in life before having to take antibiotics! *high five*

  2. I know so many people who love Grey's Anatomy. I think I'll have to sit down and watch it one of these days :)

    xo, Samantha


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