16 April 2013

Lomokino v.01

I am so excited to be showing off one of my newest cameras - my Lomokino movie maker! This seriously could not have been a better purchase for me. If you've never heard of this odd little device the way that it works is that you put regular 35mm film into the camera but instead of capturing the photo by pushing a button on top you spin the crank on the side. Each time that it clicks it takes a picture making little tiny movies! oh gosh - its so exciting! Instead of creating 24 or 27 exposures it makes 147 little tiny frames. It still has all of the charm of my little Holga, but with so much more potential!

A few weeks ago we had some family in town and I really wanted to try out this little guy. I decided to bring it along with us to the record store, and I'm so glad that I did! I already learned a few things after my first use..... 1 Even though it is nice and sunny in doors, your film will NOT look sunny unless you are in direct sunlight. 2 The actual picture that it takes it much closer and off center than you think it will be. 3 This will not produce a very long video. This whole video below is one roll of film - I like to think of these clips as mini reminders of sweet days spent with special people :)

Trust me when I say that I know this is grainy and off center and crazy. But I am so in love with it and the potential of learning a new camera and all of its quirks. 

I've already shot and finished my second video and it is so sweet! Film is so underrated. I really can't wait to keep making these and sharing them with you.

I hope you enjoy! xx


  1. Love the video..

    xo janika

  2. Cool video. I love how it's just bits and pieces of stuff. That's a cool purchase! :) Have fun with it!

  3. So excited for you!! I love getting new gadgets! xx. McKenna Lou
    P.S. Have you entered into our giveaway's yet? Enter into our Octavia Bloom Giveaway for some lovely jewelry, and/or our Perfect Shirt giveaway (2 winners total)!

  4. I've never heard of this before but it's pretty cool! It has such a great vintage quality to it.

  5. This is incredible and beautiful! I recently just devoted myself to recording video of our everyday moments - I remember watching family members' home videos and wondered what it would be like if I didn't have videos to look back on later! I'm definitely looking into this little camera!


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